Hope for ORANG UTANS!!

Show them your light!! This species is critically endangered due to one threat - HUMAN.. BUT human are their only hope

Orang Utan Slideshow

Orangutan's Video

Video from Zoo Negara

WayS We CaN HeLp to SaFe ThiS AnimaL

Published by Farah,Amirul,Asrul under on 7:03 PM
1. Reduce the usage of electricity.
If we reduce the usage of electricity, we can help the government to reduce and finally stop cutting the trees in the forest. It is because; we need to cut down trees in the jungle to build either small or large number of damns (hydroelectric damns). Orang Utans’ habitat will be decrease in number and it will be dangerous to them.

2. Reduce the usage of papers, and anything related to plants.
By doing this so, we can leave the forest alone without cutting more trees and trees in the future. Thus, it will not harm the natural habitat of Orang Utans. Orang Utans need shelter to keep on living in this world. They also build nest like other animals too. For your information, Orang Utans build their nest by breaking branches inward and by adding smaller leafy branches for cushioning. Think wisely. They really need plants.

3. Follows 3R – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The government introduces public about 3R program because they have their own reasons. We, as the public should support and show our responsibility towards it. Everybody knows that if we follow this ‘3R’ we can maintain our natural resources until the end of the day and our mother nature can be saved. Not only that, those flora and faunas such as the species of orang utans will also be saved.

4. Do fund programmed about orang utans, will help to lengthen their lives.
If you heard about fund raising regarding Orang Utans, just take part in it. With money that you’ve donated, either little or much at least, it will help to lengthen their lives.

5. Donate old toys, olds tyres and gunnysacks that are made up from ropes to any organization, which are related to conserving and preserving those orang utan.
Based on Zoo Negara’s management, other than money, we also can donate those things that we doesn’t use anymore such as our kids old toys, olds tyres of our cars and gunnysacks that are made up from ropes. All this things can be recycle back to be as the entertainment for those Orang Utans and it will keep them to be healthy.