Hope for ORANG UTANS!!

Show them your light!! This species is critically endangered due to one threat - HUMAN.. BUT human are their only hope

Orang Utan Slideshow

Orangutan's Video

Video from Zoo Negara

WhY ArE TheY BecominG ExtincT?

Published by Farah,Amirul,Asrul under on 11:14 PM
There are many reasons why these populations of Orang Utan are becoming extinct from this world. The first reason is because of the reforestation. Although the government shows their responsibility by replant all the trees, we think that it was not quite a good way. They must realize earlier. It is because, even though they will replant all the trees back as normal, are they can also bring those Orang Utans back to their natural habitat? As before?

Other than that, it is also because of the “Hunting The Baby Of Orang Utans”. Although the title is sound more about the baby, but actually their mission is to hunt and kill the baby’s mother. They must kill the mother if they want to get the baby. The reasons why they really want the baby is because of he/she cuteness and want he/she to be as their pet. Now, let’s look. If the mothers of Orang Utans are dead, how the number of this species can be increase? There’s no way other than them. Next, many people thinks that the baby of Orang Utan is just same like the kittens, cubs or any baby of other kind of animals. But truthfully, they don’t. They can easily get diseases from human.

On the contrary, this species is becoming extinct because of the short-term thinking of human. A person that has the baby of Orang Utans do not know how to look after them anymore after they had been grown up. Almost cases regarding this issue, that person at last will throw the baby of Orang Utan to the forest, which are away from their life. For sure, the Orang Utan cannot continue their live anymore because they were not be trained to find food and protect themselves by their own. So, let the Orang Utan live in the forest alone. Because, that is their world and remain to be their world.